At Grant Projects, we undertake a uniquely personal role in the Projects we engage by seeing the success of the Owner as our own. Thinking as an Owner as opposed to a consultant, we operate with a strong sense of accountability and proactively effect a forward looking risk mitigation program that encompasses the budget, entitlements, schedule, design, and construction.
The value added by our services to any given project is significant. As in any project, a myriad of exterior forces, changing conditions, and hidden challenges are assured to put the project and its success consistently at risk. By proactively anticipating risk and exercising decisive leadership within the framework of a proven project delivery system, we have been able to consistently deliver successful projects for our clients.
It is important to note that building codes, environmental rules, and zoning regulations have recently become significantly more robust and are being effectively enforced. Furthermore, insurance provisions have grown so complex that projects are often unknowingly under-insured. Lastly, the design profession has become substantially compartmentalized which has resulted in a vacuum of leadership and accountability in assembling a comprehensive contract for construction with significant risk to cost escalations and delays.
Meaningful lapses in budget, schedule, and quality are potential pitfalls in any project but by having a team of industry professionals who think as Owners and effect proactive oversight and management, these risks to the project can be properly managed to best ensure success.
Michael Pilarski is the President and Founder of Grant Projects, LLC following 16 years of professional experience in Architecture and Real Estate Development Management.